Monday, January 19, 2015

Finis by F. L. Pollack

Think about the whole universe being shaped like a galaxy, everything is revolving around a central point. Now imagine that every single speck of dust or rock or planet or star is a galaxy. Whatever is at the center of the universe must be pretty big. Humans figured this out 26 years ago. Today is the day that that central mass shall shine down upon us; ultimately ruining us forever. This was a good story about mortality and how it is unstoppable. This sci-fi romance story shows us a new way of looking at the world and also the universe. This story also showed hope for where humanity could go from there. It showed us that there never was a place that we couldn't return from. Overall I enjoyed this story.


Austin's Day Off said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Austin's Day Off said...

Sorry - What kind of person would you reccomend this to? I like the opening of your review!! Good job!!

Unknown said...

This sounds really good! It also sound really sad. Nice review Vaughn!

Unknown said...

Hey Vaughn, It looks like something funky is going on in your comments. I liked how you explained everything.

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